Every plant needs minerals, soils contain those minerals, the plant consumes those minerals, and then we consume those plants or the animals that consume those plants. So every time we eat an apple ,we have taken something from the soil and what have we put back?Typically we are putting back fertiliser, consisting of 3-9 minerals. But what happens when an apple tree is grown on three minerals when it needs 56 to be healthy ? Well, the apple tree still grows, but not as healthy, and when we eat that food that is grown on depleted soil we become depleted, as well.
Furthermore, because of the advancements in chemical agriculture, there is a surplus of this nutrient poor food. SeaEnergy is a tool to give back to the earth all of the nutrients we have taken, There are no chemical draw backs, this is a solution produced by nature for us to use. We can work smart not hard and use less harmful products. SeaEnergy and SeaGuard give our plants and animals a fighting chance at protecting themselves against everything from adverse weather to pests and disease. We just need to give them the tools, rather the nutrients, to defend themselves.